DrM, Dr. Mueller AG

Alte Landstrasse 415
8708 Maennedorf
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Details for Company DrM, Dr. Mueller AG


DrM is a global company with its headquarters in Switzerland and also maintains subsidiaries in the USA, Poland, China, India, Malaysia and Dubai (UAE). It is represented globally by sales agencies, licensees, representatives and its own sales offices. Please see the Contacts section for additional details. Applications and uses of the FUNDABAC® and CONTIBAC® candle filters are widespread throughout the processing industries. The same can be said for FUNDAMIX® Vibromixers in the pharmaceutical and biotech industries. All DrM filters and mixers are custom made to specifically suit the underlying process. Solutions are often developed on an individual basis. DrM’s Quality System is ISO 9001 certified for the design and manufacture of plants.


  • Filtration Systems

    - CONTIBAC® 
    - CONTIBAC® SM Sinter Metal Filter
    - High Flow Cartridge Filter
    - Filter Options
  • Mixing Systems

    -FUNDAMIX® Vibromixer
    -Amplitude Monitor
  • Single-Use Systems

    - Single-Use Filter
    - Single-Use Mixer
    - Single-Use Valve
    - FundaStep Controller
  • Test Filters Systems

    - Lab Scale Candle Filters
    - Pilot Scale Candle Filters
  • Spare Parts


Sophisticated, highly automated and fully enclosed filtration systems for either wet or dry discharge, or alternatively for semi or fully continuous thickening. System benefits include high efficiency solids removal, precious metals (catalyst) recovery, patented heel volume filtration, cake washing, cake drying and in-situ cleaning of the filter media. DrM filters are routinely used in many industries including oil & gas, petrochemical, specialty chemical, fine chemical, environmental, mineral and metal processing, pharmaceutical, as well as food & agrochemical. Amongst candle filter suppliers DrM has proven to be one of the most versatile and flexible to adapt to any client request.


DrM’s FUNDAMIX® Vibromixers mix liquids strictly by vibration. The absence of moving parts results in vortex-less mixing and homogeneous distribution and emulsification. Excellent pharmaceutical, microbiological and biochemical applications include insulin production, blood fractionations, preparation of sterile solutions, mixing of injectable suspensions in sterile vessels for ampoule filling, vaccine/oil emulsions, anaerobic fermentations, submerse culture of mammalian and plant cells, as well as protein solutions.


Single-Use Technologies/Systems (SUT/SUS) have become increasingly prevalent in recent years in Bio-pharmaceutical manufacturing. SUT/SUS are typically made of plastic material and are delivered pre-sterilised by Gamma or X-Ray irradiation. As the name suggests, Single-Use equipment is disposed of and replaced after use.

There are a number of benefits, compared to traditional stainless steel process equipment. One of the main benefits is that time and energy consuming cleaning and sterilisation procedures are no longer required. Other benefits of Single-Use Technologies/Systems are shorter Time to Market cycles, reduced plant footprint, substantially lower CAPEX and decreased time for changeover resulting in a higher output.


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DrM, Dr. Mueller AG in 8708 Maennedorf

Company DrM, Dr. Mueller AG from 8708 Maennedorf Bailaho: The company DrM, Dr. Mueller AG offers products and services like Filtration Systems, FUNDABAC®, CONTIBAC®, STERIBAC® und Filter Options. Send an inquiry o this company to set the first steps in a business contact. Please let the company know that you found them on Bailaho.

DrM, Dr. Mueller AG 8708 Maennedorf  Filtration Systems,  FUNDABAC®,  CONTIBAC®,  STERIBAC® und  Filter Options

DrM, Dr. Mueller AG
Alte Landstrasse 415
8708 Maennedorf

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Firmensuche B2B Firmen DrM, Dr. Mueller AG
Firmensuche B2B Firmen DrM, Dr. Mueller AG
Firmensuche B2B Firmen DrM, Dr. Mueller AG

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