
Business-Listing with Company Profile /

The Business-Listing with Company Profile / Landingpage contains:

  • Company logo
  • Company name / Address / Communication Data
  • Linking website (DoFollow)
  • Advertising text / Description with
    • H1, H2 and H3 titles
    • Unique content text
    • Keyword saturation / keyword density
    • Images with SEO alt texts
  • Events 
    • e.g. trade fair dates, in-house events
  • Jobs
    • Job advertisements
    • Apprenticeships / internships
  • Press releases
  • Function menu incl.
    • Send request - Form
    • Visit website - Link
    • Favorites List
    • Evaluation / Recomondation
    • vCard
    • Forward Listing / Tell-A-Friend
  • Unlimited Keywords
    • unlimited keywords
    • Long-tail keywords / Single keywords
  • Image gallery
    • Each image has its own description and title
    Download Documents
    • Catalogs / Price Lists
    • Fact sheets / Data Sheets
    • Brochures / Certificates
  • Geo-Location
    • Map section of your location
    • Route planner included
    • QR Code for location
  • Geo-locations also in Search Results
    • Company logo Company name Address additional

Included for free in the 1st year: Keyword Priority Ranking (regular price € 749 annual); without automatic renewal; after 1 year you decide if you want renew.

The price for the Business-Listing with Company Profile / Landingpage is € 750 One-Time-Fee excluded VAT. Publishing Duration: lifetime; no follow-up invoices; no notice period.

  € 750  One-Time-Fee 

Direct-Deep-Links in your

In the advertising text / description of your company profile, individual terms (single keywords) or phrases (keyword combinations / long-tail keywords) are linked to the thematically related subpages of your website (doFollow).

Link to a subpage on your website included

  • Keyword-optimized anchor text
  • Opens in new window / tab (_blank)
  • Displayed as a search term
  • Title including SEO phrase
  • High topic relevance between link text, anchor text and landing page
  • DoFollow linking as a direct deep link

Visitors can access the desired information on your website directly and without any (click-)detours from your company profile. Positive side effect: Increase of the link popularity / backlink rate of your subpages with relevant backlinks with link juice.

Term 1 year; without automatic renewal; at the end of the period, you decide whether you want to renew for another term. No unwanted automatic follow-up invoices; no notice period to be observed. Price excluded VAT.

   € 49 annual  

Sub-Listings for Products /

Sub-listing for products or services; each with its own advertising text / description, own images and own keywords, as well as an own link (DoFollow; Deep-Link) to the keyword-relevant subpage of your website; also an extra and additional link directly to the product in your shop (as far as existing).


  • Up to 5 product images included
  • Own META tags
  • Own META title
  • Own META keywords
  • Product description in unique content
  • All sub-listings linked to each other

Term 1 year; without automatic renewal; at the end of the period, you decide whether you want to renew for another term. No unwanted automatic follow-up invoices; no notice period to be observed. Price excluded VAT.

  € 119 annual

The Keyword Priority Ranking is herefor that your listing is ranked higher than listings without it in the search results. Also a new time stamp (refresh) is set annually. Your listing will be delivered and published first of all entries without priority.

Term 1 year; without automatic renewal; at the end of the period, you decide whether you want to renew for another term. No unwanted automatic follow-up invoices; no notice period to be observed. Price excluded VAT.

   € 749  annual  

Placement / Placement 1st results

A placement on the 1st results page places your Business Listing under a keyword (singular / plural included) in a fixed place on the first results page in the search results for one year.

Subject to availability; Your customer advisor will tell you whether a place / position and which space is available for placement under your desired search term/keyword.

Term 1 year; without automatic renewal; at the end of the period, you decide whether you want to renew for another term. No unwanted automatic follow-up invoices; no notice period to be observed. Price excluded VAT.

   € 340 annual   
