Business Listing

The Business-Listing on Bailaho

The company profile to be present on Bailaho at all

(Re)presents your company and communicates with your target groups

For advertisers, it is the key to being represented with their company in Bailaho's B2B company search. The business listing is the basic listing for advertisers on the Bailaho B2B portal and (re)presents your company and communicates with your target groups. The business listing costs a one-time-fee - once paid, always listed!

B2B-Firmensuche für B2B-Firmen: Bailaho, das B2B-Portal und die B2B-Plattform

Small listing in search results plus large listing as company profile with landing page

The business listing appears in the search results as a "small" listing and provides users with the company logo, short advertising text, address and link to the website for the pre-selection. The company profile with landingpage appears under any number of keywords and always in front of all free listings. Here you can send an inquiry directly or click directly on the company website, or you click on "More information" and the "large" company listing will appear in full view as a company profile and as a landing page.

B2B-Firmensuche für B2B-Firmen: Bailaho, das B2B-Portal und die B2B-Plattform

The company profile is a real website

The company profile on Bailaho is a real website with META title, META keywords and META description, etc. The company profile consists of your company logo, large advertising text, in addition to your company logo for recognition value, you provide your target group with appropriate specifications and parameters that buyers can use to determine whether you as a company are suitable for cooperation.

B2B-Firmensuche für B2B-Firmen: Bailaho, das B2B-Portal und die B2B-Plattform

Company logo included

For recognition value and expressiveness

The company logo appears prominently in the business listing + company profile, both on the landing page and in the search results, for maximum recognition and meaningfulness. Showing the flag to existing customers and the target group.

Supports brand building

Your company logo should appear everywhere your company is visible and discoverable. This is how it supports your brand building.

Promotional text included

Inform target groups

Buyers, interested parties and those looking for a company want a quick overview of whether your company is a suitable supplier, service provider or source of supply. What matters here are core statements that must be perceived when skimming over the content. Inform target group users to pick them up early so you can shortlist your company for search yield.

A balancing act: neither writing too much nor writing too little

A balancing act, because you have to and should provide enough information to inform about what you offer, but the user should still have a reason to click on the company website or to make an inquiry.

Send request module included

Direct contactability

Users can send you a query directly via the listing in the search results and via the company profile / landing page. Incoming requests are marked accordingly so that you can see where the requests are coming from. Other users may click on your website first and then contact you from there.

Receive requests. offers submitted.

Once you have received corresponding inquiries, you can answer the customer's inquiry directly, contact him or submit a corresponding offer.

B2B-Firmensuche für B2B-Firmen: Bailaho, das B2B-Portal und die B2B-Plattform

Function menu included

True Web 2.0: Visitors can take active actions

Your listing is not just static to read and view pictures. The company profile on Bailaho contains real Web 2.0 applications in the company profile, through which users / visitors can take real actions. Share, bookmark, print, save, forward, put on the favorites list, manage in the supplier directory, etc..

Interactions are the new clicks

Because a company profile can do much more than just click on the website, interactions are much more important than blunt clicks. Much, much more can be done on a company profile compared to banner or body copy advertising where all you can do is click apart from a short text message.

Google Maps & Streetview included

Location Sharing

Announcing and transmitting the location shows seriousness and presence "with an open visor" in the world of the often anonymous Internet. It also helps with regional search queries or with regional, geographic company searches with a corresponding catchment area or even area protection.

The virtual tour of the company premises

The display of your location via Google Maps and Street View invites you to take a virtual tour to find out more about the company. Are you a "small shop" in the basement of a private house or a large company of appropriate size.

Bookmark & Share included

The link generator

With Bookmark & Share, any company on Bailaho can be shared or bookmarked on over 150 portals, which can increase interactions with your company.

Stake your claims

As the listing owner, you too can share your company profile on over 150 portals, thus ensuring even more interaction for your company.

B2B-Firmensuche für B2B-Firmen: Bailaho, das B2B-Portal und die B2B-Plattform

Events included

Mention trade fair dates

Referring to trade fair dates brings one or the other visitor more to the trade fair stand. With the date and hall-stand information, you can be taken into account more when planning trade fair visitors and integrated into visitor planning.

In addition to trade fair dates, there are other dates

Not only trade fair dates can be published under "Events". Also special shows, festivals, anniversaries, open days, in-house exhibitions or innovations.

Press release included

Press mailing list

Publish press releases and make them available for download. Your press releases always appear perfectly staged and are waiting for journalists, reporters, bloggers, influencers, etc. to download them. You can even place a link on your website to your press releases on Bailaho and thus have your own press area.

Upload and download included

There are no traffic costs for uploading and downloading. So you've saved money again.

Social media links included

Link to your company's social media profiles

Publish links to your company's social media profiles and thus ensure your company's own link network where all nodes converge and forward as a hub on your Bailaho company profile.

Increase link popularity

This is how you increase the link popularity between your individual contact points on the web.

Opening times included

When is your company available? Also 24/7?

With the "Working Hours Widget" you tell users when your company can be reached. Online shops or companies with a 24-hour hotline can also activate the coveted 24/7 symbol.

Important for citation management

By the way, your opening hours should be the same at all contact points of your company on the web. This is important for good citation management. And that, in turn, is good for a good ranking.

B2B-Firmensuche für B2B-Firmen: Bailaho, das B2B-Portal und die B2B-Plattform

Rating module included

Increasing reputation management on the web

Your company can be rated in the company profile, for example by customers, suppliers, partners, employees or by whomever. In this way you also support your reputation management with another destination.

Have your company evaluated

Bring in praise and acceptance speeches or face criticism. A healthy reputation management ensures transparency in the target group and with customers and provides you with valuable feedback for improving your business processes and company behavior.

Picture gallery included

Pictures say more than words

Images in the advertising text or in the image gallery are particularly visual. Customers and prospects can see at a glance whether you deliver or provide what they are looking for.

Advertising visualized

A picture says more than 1000 words: And there is some truth to it. Imagine a catalog without pictures.

Company video included

Moving images in picture and sound

An image video or an explanatory video informs the target group in a special way. A company video is your salesman who never gets tired and informs customers and prospects 24/7 like in a virtual sales pitch.

If you already have a video, show it too

Many companies have a video, but they don't show it anywhere except on their own website. You can also host and publish your video on Bailaho, which certainly cost enough.

B2B-Firmensuche für B2B-Firmen: Bailaho, das B2B-Portal und die B2B-Plattform

Document upload included

Make documents available to your target groups

Catalogues, fact sheets, price lists, operating instructions, data sheets, certificates, etc. can be uploaded to Bailaho and made available for download. Without additional traffic costs. This gives you an additional download area with your company profile on Bailaho. You can even paste the links to download Bailaho on your website.

Your free download server

Your company profile thus functions as a download area for your company. Your documents are waiting 24/7 in your company profile on Bailaho to be downloaded.

Job postings included

eRecruiting: Publish your vacancies

Publish your vacancies and thus support your eRecruiting when it comes to searching for employees via the Internet. Your job postings are always displayed perfectly.

Employer branding: Your company as an employer is always presented perfectly

At the same time, your job advertisements on Bailaho support your company's employer branding, i.e. the way your company is perceived in its role as an employer. Not only customers, but also job seekers and employees get information about your company on Bailaho.

Unlimited Keywords include

Any number of search terms

You can store as many search terms as you like in your company profile, under which your company will then appear in search queries. A decisive advantage over B2B portals, where you can only store a limited number of keywords.

You decide who should find you

By storing the search terms, you decide for yourself who should find your company and who shouldn't when searching on Bailaho. If one or more search terms are too general for you, leave them out, if some search terms have two or more meanings, leave them out. You may reach more precise users by storing more specific search terms.
