Scharnhorststraße 11-16
44532 Lünen
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Details for Company NEUHÄUSER GmbH

NEUHÄUSER Magnet- und Fördertechnik GmbH is an independent company belonging to the NEUHÄUSER  group. The company has been a worldwide supplier of equipment and systems in the areas of automation, transportation and separation for over 30 years.

NEUHÄUSER is an owner-managed company and was founded in 1965, in Lünen, where it is still located today. From its original business segments of mining and tunnel technology the company has developed to its present-day form: a corporate group with the segments magnet and conveyor technology, wind power systems and plant oil systems.

The company is headquartered in Lünen (North Rhine Westphalia) and jointly, all of the NEUHÄUSERcompanies employ 119 people (male/female, as per 31 March 2015).



In the field of automation, NEUHÄUSER offers complete solutions and components that are matched to each other down to the smallest detail. Stacking and de-stacking plants as well as toothed belt and vacuum conveyors are designed and manufactured in switchable and non-switchable variants to meet the individual customer requirements. All plants can additionally be equipped with the appropriate control systems or power electronics.





Another example of innovative NEUHÄUSER technology is the newly developed and patented vacuum technology. It permits the flat-top or suspended transport of non-ferrous sheets and other materials. This technology, which has been applied with great success in the automotive industry for some time, can also be used in combination with NEUHÄUSER magnet conveyors for stacking and de-stacking operations. 



In the pressing and machine tool periphery, NEUHÄUSER Magnet- und Fördertechnik is a highly sought-after partner. The origin of this partnership dates back to a patent for permanent-magnetic conveyor systems. The extraordinary performance of the company was particularly obvious in the field of slide conveyors, as well as slat-band, scraper and belt conveyors. 





The experience that NEUHÄUSER has aquired in this specialist field over many years benefits car manufacturers and their suppliers, as well as the producers of presses and machine tools. NEUHÄUSER supplies conveyors for scrap and chip disposal as well as for sheets and good parts.



NEUHÄUSER offers optimal solutions for the preparation of cooling lubricants. These include automatic magnet filters, compact and paperband filters, customised plants (such as coolant preparation plants with conveying equipment, pre-filters and main filters), coolant tanks with pumps, cooling units as well as the respective control systems.





The NEUHÄUSER delivery programme for the separation of ferrous parts from bulk goods comprises manual and automatic equipment and systems. These range, from plate magnets and magnetic grids through to overhead magnetic separators, separating drums, separating chutes and belt rollers (and many more besides). 

Separation units are used by  manufacturers and operators of shotblast machinery, in mill operations, the plastic and recycling industry, gravel pits and mining operations as well as in textile and wood-working industries. 


Magnetic systems 

NEUHÄUSER magnetic systems are used in many different areas, e.g. the suspended or supported transportation of ferromagnetic parts and the spreading of steel plates.

Die Magnetsysteme bestehen in der Regel aus Kompensations-, Elektro- oder Hybridmagnetsystemen. Zum Sortiment der NEUHÄUSER–Magnetsysteme gehören aber auch Elektro- oder Blechspreizmagnete sowie Stromrichter.



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NEUHÄUSER GmbH in 44532 Lünen

Company NEUHÄUSER GmbH from 44532 Lünen Bailaho: The company NEUHÄUSER GmbH offers products and services like Automation , Transportation , Separation , Magnetic systems und Magnetic Conveyor . Send an inquiry o this company to set the first steps in a business contact. Please let the company know that you found them on Bailaho.

NEUHÄUSER GmbH 44532 Lünen  Automation ,  Transportation ,  Separation ,  Magnetic systems  und  Magnetic Conveyor

Scharnhorststraße 11-16
44532 Lünen

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