EAS Europe B.V.

De Hooge Hoek 19A
3927 GG Renswoude
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Details for Company EAS Europe B.V.

We are suppliers of tool change systems; Quick Mold Change (qmc); Quick The Change (qdc). Complete solutions for tool changes in the single-digit minute range (SMED), worldwide from a single source.

Visit our website for more information or send us your request!

Faster, more efficient and safer production processes with EAS Change Systems.

Time is money. Accelerate and optimize your production with our proven solutions:

  •   QMC - Quick Mold Change (injection mold quick coupler)
  •   QDC - Quick The Change (Punch Tool Quick Coupler)
  •   SMED - Single Minute Exchange of Dies (exchanges within one minute)
  •   JIT - Just in time
  •   Industry 4.0 - organization of value chains

All from one hand

EAS is the author of QMC applications in Europe. Since 1985, EAS has been the innovation leader in all developments related to SMED applications for the plastics industry. EAS was the first company to develop hydraulic clamping systems for injection molding machines and offered them on the European market.

Also behind the introduction of automatic multi-couplings in this market is our company. In addition, we introduced the first applications for magnetic clamping systems in injection molding. We were pioneers in tool changing cars and tool change tables in the European market.

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EAS Europe B.V. in 3927 GG Renswoude

Company EAS Europe B.V. from 3927 GG Renswoude Bailaho: The company EAS Europe B.V. offers products and services like Quick-change system, Quick-change systems, Quick The Change, Qdc und Quick Mold Change. Send an inquiry o this company to set the first steps in a business contact. Please let the company know that you found them on Bailaho.

EAS Europe B.V. 3927 GG Renswoude  Quick-change system,  Quick-change systems,  Quick The Change,  Qdc und  Quick Mold Change

EAS Europe B.V.
De Hooge Hoek 19A
3927 GG Renswoude

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Friday : 08:00 - 17:00

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Firmensuche B2B Firmen EAS Europe B.V.
Firmensuche B2B Firmen EAS Europe B.V.
Firmensuche B2B Firmen EAS Europe B.V.

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