Die Trockeneisprofis

Ankerweg 7
8753 Fohnsdorf
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Details for Company Die Trockeneisprofis

The ICE BULL Dry Cleaner - Power Cleaner is a new, innovative dry ice blasting machine Mini, which can be operated with an air consumption of 0,5 m³ / min at starting at 2 bar jet pressure. 

This completely redesigned dry ice blasting device can be used from 0.5 bar to 10 bar air pressure with high efficiency and low noise, even in a noisy work environment more sensitive - between 55 to max. equivalent to 85 dBA what the volume of an air gun. The maximum air consumption of the dry system at 6 bar operating pressure is modest 1.5m³ / min.

For direct drive of the rotary feeder from the dry ice blasting unit a standard power supply of 220V / 50Hz is required. The compact dimensions of these mini-beam unit B H x 30cm x 50cm. The dry cleaner is made of stainless steel in an attractive race design and has an empty weight of only 14 kg.

The dry ice consumption is 250g / min = (15kg / hr.) The dry ice-capacity per filling is 2.5 kg. Refilling is done in a few seconds. The single-tube rotary valves system from the dry ice blasting unit delivers maximum beam power even at low operating pressure. 
As blasting media for our dry cleaner commercially available dry Cryo-Pelletts 3mm be used. For a global comprehensive supply of unseremTrockeneisstrahlgerät with dry gas our care partners.

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Die Trockeneisprofis in 8753 Fohnsdorf

Company Die Trockeneisprofis from 8753 Fohnsdorf Bailaho: The company Die Trockeneisprofis offers products and services like Trockeneistrahlanlage, TROCKENEISTRAHLGERÄTE, DRY CLEANERS, DRY CLEANING DEVICE und DRY CLEANING SYSTEM. Send an inquiry o this company to set the first steps in a business contact. Please let the company know that you found them on Bailaho.

Die Trockeneisprofis 8753 Fohnsdorf  Trockeneistrahlanlage,  TROCKENEISTRAHLGERÄTE,  DRY CLEANERS,  DRY CLEANING DEVICE und  DRY CLEANING SYSTEM

Die Trockeneisprofis
Ankerweg 7
8753 Fohnsdorf

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Firmensuche B2B Firmen Die Trockeneisprofis

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