Optocomponents GmbH

Am Stockert 6
79312 Emmendingen
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Details for Company Optocomponents GmbH

The company Optocomponents GmbH specializes in the production of active and passive optoelectronic components for optical waveguide technology. In addition to a comprehensive standard program of optoelectronic components for the communication via plastic optical fibers (POF) as well as over optical fibers, Optocomponents GmbH manufactures its own fiber optic connectors, connector bodies, diode holders (receptacles), housings and accessories.

Another core business is the customer-specific assembly of fiber-optic cables (POF, HCS and glass). Production and sales of fiber-optic interface converters complete the Optocomponents program. The program includes standard converters for RS232, RS422, TTL, Profibus, Interbus-S and USB. In addition, the product range has been expanded to include transceivers in 1x9 format for industrial Fast Ethernet applications using plastic optical fibers (POF). These products are available with different connection systems.

Customer-specific solutions are one of our strengths. Give us the opportunity to prove it.


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Optocomponents GmbH in 79312 Emmendingen

Company Optocomponents GmbH from 79312 Emmendingen Bailaho: The company Optocomponents GmbH offers products and services like Connectors, Optical fiber, Optical fiber cables, Cable confection und FSMA. Send an inquiry o this company to set the first steps in a business contact. Please let the company know that you found them on Bailaho.

Optocomponents GmbH 79312 Emmendingen  Connectors,  Optical fiber,  Optical fiber cables,  Cable confection und  FSMA

Optocomponents GmbH
Am Stockert 6
79312 Emmendingen

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Firmensuche B2B Firmen Optocomponents GmbH
Firmensuche B2B Firmen Optocomponents GmbH
Firmensuche B2B Firmen Optocomponents GmbH
Firmensuche B2B Firmen Optocomponents GmbH

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