Corvus Beschichtungssysteme GmbH

Robert-Bunsen-Straße 35
64579 Gernsheim
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Details for Company Corvus Beschichtungssysteme GmbH

Corvus coating systems GmbH
The special strengths of Corvus Beschichtungssysteme GmbH are the specialization in coating technologies for the production of SD papers and the high flexibility.

This makes it possible to develop applications and solutions together with the customer, but also to offer expert assistance with application-oriented product developments on the customer side and to serve niche markets.

Due to its technical possibilities and experience, Corvus Beschichtungssysteme GmbH has achieved a special position in the market, even though no standard SD papers are offered.

In addition to the SD products, its core business includes the manufacture of capsules, the encapsulation of other ingredients and individual finishing orders.

In addition, accessory products are offered and various carbon paper and carbonless copy variants are produced, in particular by the sister company founded in 2003 Corvus-Hauffe Paper Coating GmbH.

  • Interform stripe writes where you want!
  • Interform stripe: A development for special form applications.
  • Interform stripe: Does it work after kinking!
  • Interform: Write on labels.
  • Whether CB 70 g / m² or CF / CF 240 g / m², Corvus produces what you are missing.
  • Clever niche products from Corvus let the end user save money.
  • Corvus delivers SD spot colors and SD custom weights as needed.
  • Interform quality: deep black, clean and crisp copies.
  • Interform: SD function bars also on security papers.
  • With Interform individual product characteristics can be realized.
  • Applications Experts for Copying and Form.

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Corvus Beschichtungssysteme GmbH in 64579 Gernsheim

Company Corvus Beschichtungssysteme GmbH from 64579 Gernsheim Bailaho: The company Corvus Beschichtungssysteme GmbH offers products and services like Interform, Corvus, Carbon paper, One-time carbon paper und Carbonless paper. Send an inquiry o this company to set the first steps in a business contact. Please let the company know that you found them on Bailaho.

Corvus Beschichtungssysteme GmbH 64579 Gernsheim  Interform,  Corvus,  Carbon paper,  One-time carbon paper und  Carbonless paper

Corvus Beschichtungssysteme GmbH
Robert-Bunsen-Straße 35
64579 Gernsheim

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Firmensuche B2B Firmen Corvus Beschichtungssysteme GmbH
Firmensuche B2B Firmen Corvus Beschichtungssysteme GmbH
Firmensuche B2B Firmen Corvus Beschichtungssysteme GmbH

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