AKMA Technology GmbH

Graf-Zeppelin-Str. 13
57610 Altenkirchen
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Details for Company AKMA Technology GmbH

advise - plan - extrude?

Especially in this day and age it is important that you can rely on your machine capacity. With decades of experience in plastics extrusion and more than 20 years of experience in mechanical engineering, AKMA is a reliable partner for extrusion.

We are manufacturer of extrusion lines and followers for the plastics industry. Our systems are manufactured according to your special requirements and wishes in order to solve your extrusion problems economically.

Our program includes extruders from Ø 15 mm to Ø 125 mm as well as successions of various kinds. We can also offer you solutions for the processing of difficult materials.

We are happy to prove our services to you.


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AKMA Technology GmbH in 57610 Altenkirchen

Company AKMA Technology GmbH from 57610 Altenkirchen Bailaho: The company AKMA Technology GmbH offers products and services like Akma, Plastics industry, Mechanical engineering, Follow und Plastic. Send an inquiry o this company to set the first steps in a business contact. Please let the company know that you found them on Bailaho.

AKMA Technology GmbH 57610 Altenkirchen  Akma,  Plastics industry,  Mechanical engineering,  Follow und  Plastic

AKMA Technology GmbH
Graf-Zeppelin-Str. 13
57610 Altenkirchen

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Firmensuche B2B Firmen AKMA Technology GmbH
Firmensuche B2B Firmen AKMA Technology GmbH
Firmensuche B2B Firmen AKMA Technology GmbH

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