Tuboly-Astronic AG

Bleicheweg 5
5605 Dottikon
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Details for Company Tuboly-Astronic AG

Tuboly-Astronic has been developing and manufacturing machines for the production of transformers for nearly 30 years. All our knowledge and experience manifests itself in the hardware, software, system integration and service we provide to our customers.

Tuboly-Astronic AG  Bleicheweg 5 5605 Dottikon Aargau Schweiz

Our paramount goal is to equip our clients with an automation degree that allows them to manufacture their products with the highest possible efficiency.


  • Coil winding
    • HV wire winding machines
    • LV foil winding machines
    • HV foil winding machines
    • Vertical winding machines
    • High-Quality Horizontal Winding Machines for Power Transformers
    • Wire winding machines for instrument transformers

      Tuboly Astronic winding machines ensure highly efficient coil production and total ease of use. Our state-of-the-art technology guarantees maximum availability and operational safety as described by the law.
  • Core manufacturing
    • Core cutting lines
    • Stacking systems

      Our core cutting lines and stacking systems are made to meet your specific requirements. From standardized lines up to customized solutions, we understand your requirements and provide the best suitable solution.
  • Special machines

    The special machines manufactured by Tuboly-Astronic are mainly specific winding machines or cutting and special stacking solutions complying with our customers’ individual needs and requirements.

Tuboly-Astronic AG  Bleicheweg 5 5605 Dottikon Aargau Schweiz


All machines made by Tuboly-Astronic are quality products guaranteeing an enhanced degree of reliability. We will process your request immediately. Service contract customers enjoy additional benefits.

 B2B Production Manufacturing


  • Automatiker mit HF für den Support von Kunden (m/w/d)    
  • Automatiker/in mit Vorliebe für Maschinen (m/w/d)    
  • Servicetechniker international (m/w/d)   

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Tuboly-Astronic AG in 5605 Dottikon

Company Tuboly-Astronic AG from 5605 Dottikon Bailaho: The company Tuboly-Astronic AG offers products and services like Coil winding, Core manufacturing, Special machines, Core cutting lines und Stacking systems. Send an inquiry o this company to set the first steps in a business contact. Please let the company know that you found them on Bailaho.

Tuboly-Astronic AG 5605 Dottikon  Coil winding,  Core manufacturing,  Special machines,  Core cutting lines und  Stacking systems

Tuboly-Astronic AG
Bleicheweg 5
5605 Dottikon

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Monday : 08:00 - 17:00

Tuesday : 08:00 - 17:00

Wednesday : 08:00 - 17:00

Thursday : 08:00 - 17:00

Friday : 08:00 - 17:00

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Firmensuche B2B Firmen Tuboly-Astronic AG
Firmensuche B2B Firmen Tuboly-Astronic AG
Firmensuche B2B Firmen Tuboly-Astronic AG
Firmensuche B2B Firmen Tuboly-Astronic AG

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