Gut Metallumformung AG

Etzelstrasse 37
8634 Hombrechtikon
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Details for Company Gut Metallumformung AG


Take advantage of the possibilities of this interesting process. If the metal spinning used by specialists, unmatched by any forming process particularly for single pieces or small series its profitability.
     Diameter of D=10mm to D=1'500mm
     Material thickness of s=0.5mm to s=6.0mm
     All metals (aluminum, stainless steel, steel, titanium, silver, gold ...)




Less is often more! With the possibilities of deep drawing we fabricate items where other methods are dependent on the assembly of several parts long. Use this advantage with integrated cost reduction.

     Across corners part of E=10 mm to E=1'100mm
     Material thickness of s=0.5mm to s=6.0mm
     All metals (aluminum, stainless steel, steel, titanium, silver, gold ...)






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Gut Metallumformung AG in 8634 Hombrechtikon

Company Gut Metallumformung AG from 8634 Hombrechtikon Bailaho: The company Gut Metallumformung AG offers products and services like . Send an inquiry o this company to set the first steps in a business contact. Please let the company know that you found them on Bailaho.

Gut Metallumformung AG 8634 Hombrechtikon

Gut Metallumformung AG
Etzelstrasse 37
8634 Hombrechtikon

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Firmensuche B2B Firmen Gut Metallumformung AG
Firmensuche B2B Firmen Gut Metallumformung AG
Firmensuche B2B Firmen Gut Metallumformung AG

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