AUHORN - Transformatoren e.K.

Reinhartser Str. 18A
87437 Kempten
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Details for Company AUHORN - Transformatoren e.K.

In our family business we design and produce dry type transformers, dry type chokes, power supplies and inductances - now in the second generation. Our customers are members from many different branches of industry. Decades of experience, responsible acting and a reliably high quality are the guarantor for transformer-solutions, which will fulfill your products' demands by 100 percent.
We will also support you as a project partner to achieve optimal results and to launch your product quick and easy on the market. We offer you high quality transformers with UL-/CSA-license. In addition the UL-isolation-system "AUHORN 155", which is usually included in our transformers.
Since our company existed we have been using our know-how and have been doing all of the work by ourselves: from calculating to constructing and from producing to the pre-delivery inspection of your transformer. We offer everything from one producer, respond to individual wishes and produce huge amounts of products in a short time. Whether it's a standard-transformer or custom-made.

AUHORN Transformers is a family business, which is based in Kempten/Allgaeu. Since 1988 we produce transformers for equipment-, machine- and plant constructors from all sectors of industry, whether from our home country or abroad.
Our choice includes isolation transformers and autotransformers as well as power transformers and control transformers both in single- and polyphase range and with UL-/CSA-admission. In addition we offer power supplies, inductors and inductances in many different power ranges. Another speciality of AUHORN are individual solutions for winding materials according to your demand: as an individual item or in high volumes.
We don't accept compromises when it comes to conservation and employment protection and set standards for the constrution of transformers.
Our integrated management system (IMS) ensures the effective conversion of our own claims as well as the official requirements:
  • ISO9001
  • ISO14001
  • OHSAS18001


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AUHORN - Transformatoren e.K. in 87437 Kempten

Company AUHORN - Transformatoren e.K. from 87437 Kempten Bailaho: The company AUHORN - Transformatoren e.K. offers products and services like Transformers, Power Supplies, Inductors, Inductances und AUHORN TRANSFORMATOREN. Send an inquiry o this company to set the first steps in a business contact. Please let the company know that you found them on Bailaho.

AUHORN - Transformatoren e.K. 87437 Kempten  Transformers,  Power Supplies,  Inductors,  Inductances und  AUHORN TRANSFORMATOREN

AUHORN - Transformatoren e.K.
Reinhartser Str. 18A
87437 Kempten

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Firmensuche B2B Firmen AUHORN - Transformatoren e.K.
Firmensuche B2B Firmen AUHORN - Transformatoren e.K.
Firmensuche B2B Firmen AUHORN - Transformatoren e.K.
Firmensuche B2B Firmen AUHORN - Transformatoren e.K.

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